We only have one home, Earth. And to take care of it is our responsibility. We at PepLine are circling back to what we all learnt in school about maintaining an Ecological balance - where species coexist with other species to create a sustainable environment.
We believe in being socially responsible and giving back to our community. We want to focus on environment, people, and animals, with a particular focus on revitalizing neighbourhoods, educating the workforce, and addressing basic needs like hunger and homelessness.
PepLine will be donating USD 5 for every garment sold for the betterment of the environment, people, and the animals.

Why the environment?
It is well known that trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, which is released into the atmosphere for us to breathe. In a year a human breathes the amount of oxygen produced by 8 trees. While the worldwide community agrees that more trees are necessary, not enough is being done to make significant inroads to the number of trees being planted.

Trees help clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, and provide habitat to over 80% of the world's terrestrial biodiversity. Forests provide jobs to millions of people, absorb harmful carbon from the atmosphere, and trees are key ingredients in 25% of all medicines. Have you ever taken an Aspirin? It comes from the bark of a tree!
We have partnered with One Tree Planted to Plant trees wherever they are most needed. We plant a tree for every single garment we sell.
Why people?
We can not ensure a sustainable future without educating the young minds. Education has a three-fold benefit. It uplifts the person and helps them improve their economic condition, the person then helps the community by helping others and an educated person ensures a sustainable future, not just for themselves or their community, but also for the environment, the planet and all the other humans.
We will be donating to educate the kids in underprivileged communities so that tomorrow they become scions of a sustainable future.

Why Animals?

Animal rescue charities play a huge role in our community and world. They have a mission to end animal cruelty and rehabilitate and rescue as many animals as possible. We share this planet with other living beings, and sometimes we forget that. PepLine aims to facilitate the rescue and well being of animals so that they live a safe and healthy life.
Our brand is named after our Pep, we love animals and simply can not ignore our duty to them.