Upcycling simply means to reuse a product to make another product of a higher quality. The pockets of your jeans, shorts and skirts have a lovely message printed on them. However, they are a perfect example of upcycling in our products. The pocket lining is made from fabric waste, which was turned into yarn which was then turned into pocket lining fabric to be used in our products. We upcycle to reduce waste and create something beautiful from it and this is what we have done with the PepLine Pockets.
A lot of fabric created by the textile mills all over the world simply goes to waste because of one reason or another. It is called ‘Deadstock’ in a nutshell, it is unsold inventory of a product, such as fabric remnants or entire unsold outfits. Simple! This is different from finding vintage materials or used items because "deadstock" refers to items that have never been worn or even sold. Instead, you're looking at a brand-new fabric that either didn't make it into stores at all or wasn't purchased by a customer to fulfil its fashion potential.
We have sourced some of the highest quality Deadstock fabrics for your products. Our fabric selection was a tedious job but, in the end, we are proud of the fact that your product was made from fabrics which would otherwise have gone to waste and would only have added to our planet’s burgeoning waste problem.
In Fashion, upcycling gives already existing products a second lease on life and creates one-of-a-kind pieces. It encourages creativity and unique styles. Considering that we are on the verge of an environmental crisis, now is the moment to promote sustainable activities.