In the creation of our goods and packaging, PepLine carefully considered the use of biodegradable and recycled plastics. Sustainability is more than a trend; it is an idea backed by science and can help change the world. We must act to shift in the direction of sustainability.

All our clothing is packaged in biodegradable and recycled packaging. Even our specially designed courier packaging is manufactured using bio-degradable and recycled plastics to reduce our impact at every step of the way and to provide you with a product which is a friend to our environment. Bio-degradable plastics allow for the materials to be broken down by natural process and after decomposition do not harm the environment.

This is accomplished when the plastics are naturally metabolized by the bacteria and fungus present in the immediate environment. They also aid in further disassembling a biodegradable plastic's structure. These plastic materials, decompose quickly and are a solution to the plastic waste problem which is ruining our oceans and disturbing the ecosystems on land.

12 million tonnes of plastic are poured in our oceans every year and scientists have found microplastics embedded even in the arctic ice. Millions of animals and birds, in our oceans and on land are killed by the plastic pollution. We were meant to share this planet with all the other species but rather our lives are having disastrous effects on theirs. At PepLine we are committed to saving the other beings we share our planet with and want to deliver a product which has a lesser impact on our environment and the use of biodegradable and recycled plastics is one of the steps which is essential to our cause.